Étiquettes de lieu |
clans | Balou |
clctn_diff | the land is reduice by the presence of SGSOC, limit acces to farm land, conflict with ayong village |
cmposition | mixed |
difficulti | limite access to farm land, insufficient mean to improve foot crop, comflict with the bakundu, they said they are not in nguti subdivision |
ethnc_grps | Upper balong |
lngs_spokn | kufu |
nom | Ayong |
type de lieu | Villages |
pop_ad_fem | 88 |
pop_ad_mal | 75 |
pop_total | 276 |
pov_perc | insuficient meant to improve foot crops, no means to inlarge farms |
trad_org | the chief, the chief council, the councelors, the town crier, the wemen and the youths |